What is Hit or Miss Tik Tok Challenge? Nyannyancosplay Meme Explained

Among many trends and challenges on TikTok, Hit or Miss is also one of them which is being made all over the world. This trend on TikTok got viral so fast that TikTok users are yelling the phrase hit or miss out in public loudly. And the makers as well as viewers are also enjoying

Among many trends and challenges on TikTok, Hit or Miss is also one of them which is being made all over the world. This trend on TikTok got viral so fast that TikTok users are yelling the phrase “hit or miss”  out in public loudly. And the makers as well as viewers are also enjoying a lot.

Maybe the reason for this trend getting viral so fast is also because of the well-known porn star Mia Khalifa. Well, it obvious to get viral when such talked and popular porn star is related to it. Know more about this trend “Hit or Miss” on TikTok.

What is Hit or Miss TikTok’s challenge?

Hit or Miss TikTok challenge was made for the first time in 2018 and it is still popular and many TikTok personalities still make it. You can always show your creativity on TikTok. That might be the reason for this challenge still being made.

Like many other trends on TikTok, this is also short form lip-sync videos where the TikTok personality do some expressions and dancing on the line “Hit or MIss” of the song MiA KHALiFA by iLOVEFRiDAY. But most of them shout the phrase out in public to get responses from others. Check this out.

Nyannyancosplay Meme Explained

The first TikTok personality to make the TikTok video on this challenge was Nyannyancosplay. Because of this she became a meme too. She made it in the year 2018 and it’s still popular almost after two years of its birth.

Now it is just a past. And she has about 1.3 million followers and has a total of 16.4 million likes on her TikTok as of June 2020.

After she made this challenge, it was so popular that many TikTok personalities started making it. And you can find many compilations of the Hit or Miss challenges now on TikTok.

Hit or Miss Tik Tok Challenge Trend

You can also make the Hit or Miss TikTok Challenge. All you have to do is to choose the music from the music section of the TikTok and make expression or dance whatever you like.

Many TikTok personalities have made TikTok videos on this challenge and have got millions of views. And the reason is that viewers are also enjoying this challenge very much. 

Mia Khalifa Song TikTok

As mentioned earlier, this trend of “Hit or Miss” is done on the music titled MiA KHALiFA. This song is made by the YouTuber iLOVEFRiday. And this song is mentioned as the Tik-Tok ANTHEM.

People are crazy over this music, It was released on YouTube on the 4th day of March in the year 2018. And by now as of June 2020, this song has more than 100 million views and about 1.7 million likes.

Almost after two years, this song is getting viral and TikTok personalities are enjoying it a lot making different types of TikTok videos on it.

Talking more about the song, obviously, we can guess that this song is about the porn star Mia Khalifa. Actually, the whole lyrics are describing the work of Mia Khalifa and the lyrics are completely disrespecting her.

This whole song is the response of the to a fake tweet in which she calls out iLOVEFRiDAY for posting pictures of smoking wearing the Hijab. And iLOVEFRiDAY thought this tweet was real and responded back making full song dissing Mia Khalifa.

Well, some people like it and some don’t. Some people think it’s crude because somehow Mia Khalifa’s name is there on the challenge but I think it’s fun. 

