Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (2007)

The GoodThe Dragon Ball series created by Akira Toriyama has many different games since its success. Many systems has games inspired in the popular series and most of the games made are fighting games. There's no doubt that this genre is the most suitable one for Dragon Ball, anyway, there are some RPG and platform-beat

The Good
The Dragon Ball series created by Akira Toriyama has many different games since its success. Many systems has games inspired in the popular series and most of the games made are fighting games. There's no doubt that this genre is the most suitable one for Dragon Ball, anyway, there are some RPG and platform-beat 'em up games which are really good. Dragon Ball: Budokai Tenkaichi is probably the best series of fighting games inspired in the Dragon Ball universe, and this one, the third one, is the most complete of them all. The game has all the good things of the previous ones and new things like characters as well as new mods to be played. All the good things that you could say about the previous ones will do for this game. If you've never played a game of the series, you'll face incredible battles with a unique easy control system, you can do super attacks with a really simple combination, and the cell shading are perfect for a game like this making it have correct graphics. If you like Dragon Ball, this is your game.

The Bad
It's not easy to master your skills at the beginning, and the control system is a bit strange, but when you've mastered it you can fight incredible battles reviving the spirit of the anime/manga. Maybe the game could be more accurate to the world created by Akira Toriyama if the characters were much more different. They're different, of course, but it's possible to win a battle with Mr. Satan against Freezer, it's really difficult but you can do things like that.

If you've played Budokai Tenkaichi 2, this game is like a expansion pack of that one, with new movements and characters but nothing really special.

The Bottom Line
Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is the best fighting game made based on Dragon Ball Series, it completes the good things seen in the previous one and features new moves and playable characters as well as mods. If you don't like fighting games and the Dragon Ball series, escape as far as you can from this game.

